What is PSOPHIA's return policy?

If you want to return any of our products, you just have to contact our Customer Service at the address info@psophia.com, we will be happy to help you and send you the transport labels so that you can return your order to us for free if you live in Spain.

If you have placed your order in an EU member country and wish to return it, you can do so in the following way.

Requesting the return by email info@psophia.com specifying the reason, the items and choosing the method of return shipping.

You can send us at your own expense by paying the shipping costs to the following address.

Doop Logistic, SERCOMEL

C/Sappers nº 2 Nave 6

CP 28830 San Fernando de Henares Business Park



Or if you prefer, we can send the courier to pick it up for a cost of €15, which we will deduct from your original payment.

If you have placed your order in the United States and wish to return it, you can do so in the following way.

Requesting the return through the email info@psophia.com, specifying the reason and the items for the return and choosing the method of shipping the return.

You can send us at your own expense by paying the shipping and return costs to the following address.

Doop Logistic, SERCOMEL

C/Sappers nº 2 Nave 6

CP 28830 San Fernando de Henares Business Park


Or if you prefer, we can send the courier to pick it up, assuming all shipping and return costs that will be deducted from your original payment. Including customs.

We remind you that all returns must be made within 15 days of receiving the order.

The products you wish to return must be perfectly packaged and shipped so that they arrive in perfect condition at our warehouse. We work to give you the best service, but in the case of returns, it is important to return the products unused and in their original packaging.

Once we receive your package with the items for return, you will receive an email from PSOPHIA. Within 2-3 business days we will process your return and its corresponding refund.